Instructions for use

The gel against pain in the joints and back Flekosteel: instructions for use

The pain in the joints — the most painful manifestation of diseases of the locomotor apparatus. According to the statistics, this pathology affects about 30% of the population in italy. Flekosteel — gel, that will quickly gets up and helps you move without pain.

How to apply Flekosteel

Indications and contraindications

  • Arthritis
  • The drop
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Bursitis
  • Radiculitis
  • The violation of the nerves
  • The neuralgia

How to use

  1. In the therapy of diseases of the joints balm to the use of the drug should be on a regular basis (2-3 times a day) for a month. In chronic diseases, the course will be extended until the full recovery. The most important condition is the application of gel only in the resting state. Therefore, it is best to do it in the morning immediately after waking up from a small amount of tools to apply the slight movements of the problem of the area. Rub don't need to! After the application does not raise up, relax for another 20 minutes until the complete absorption of the gel. The pain will decrease significantly already after the first use.
  2. A preventive measure and for warming up muscles before exercise and loads of animals of an application of gel need. Comfortable tube allows you to carry it in the bag.

Contraindications Flekosteel no. With the exception of the presence of you is hypersensitive to active components.